Friday, May 14, 2010

Unters headscarf because of love

Velbert -
As a young girl wearing Khadija (29) short skirts, makeup and walked out happy.
Until 2003, the Pakistani engineer they Tayyab (34) to know - and converted to Islam, now bears even a headscarf. EXPRESS tells the Velberterin about her transformation from love.
"As a teenager I could never imagine to live like this," she says. For, since the Catholic-educated teacher who is actually Giovanna, the faith has changed, their life has changed a lot. Khadija: "I pray five times a day."
In addition, it cooks more Pakistani, drink alcohol and fasts during Ramadan. Her three children (1 1 / 2, 4, 6) it educates Muslim. "I'm all for my God," Khadija was always a believer, went regularly to church. Islam it was still strange. "Only with Tayyab I have a lot of discussion about that and more and more realized what that is. Today, Islam is my life. "
The transformation of Giovanna to Khadija came slowly. Most visible to the clothing. "The more I covered myself, the more comfortable I felt." The headscarf was only when she got married according to Islamic custom, Tayyab. "Before I lived with my parents, who should have none."
He continued: "But if you have the scarf on his head, you show that you learn the way of life of Islam want and will often raised. Since then I have made many new friends. Muslims are very open. "From her old friends Khadija was her best friend," My appearance it is sometimes even odd, but she accepts it. "
For the love of Islam: What the parents do not even enthusiastic ("You hope that my Christian faith I had not quite dock area"), Khadija is an important stop in life. "I often feel like a stranger among the Germans, although I am German. But for that I've met so many Tolles. For Christians, it ceases to Jesus, for you it is now even further. I hope that people judge others not only to the exterior. "
Who wants to know more about Khadija: On Tuesday 19 January, 22.15 clock is shining, the ZDF broadcast "37 ˚ out of love for you from", in which their (love) story is told.