Sunday, May 2, 2010

Drugs gang imported 110 kilograms

Bonn - the drug gang of four: the men (25 to 46) are available since Tuesday in court because they smuggled 110 kilos of marijuana from the Netherlands. Strange: The Courier, the head of the gang allegedly recruited to the parking lot of a hardware store Hennef - because he recognized him as a Dutchman.
The black and yellow number plates from Holland helped Anton D. Thus a lucrative job - took him six months later, however, in German custody.
In July 2007 bonds boss Fikret K. (31) the Netherlands in the parking lot of a Hennefer construction market will be seen and have now identified as the Dutchman. Then he had just spoken to him and asked him if he wants to create pounds of marijuana across the border.
Anton D. wants to have committed, because he was just numb. The father of two from Tegelen has to provide a sick 15-year-old boy. After an accident in the Dominican Republic, he has lain in a coma for three months.
Thus, according to prosecutor Michael Hermes man ran the 22 drugs from Tours: On a park bench near Eindhoven Anton D. took the stuff in a bag at reception. Every time the mechanic brought five kilos to Germany. In the building-parking in Hennef D. handed the bag. The Courier cashed $ 1,000 for each trip - a total of 22,000 euros.
On Tuesday, the process beginning with the defenders Peter-René Gülpen (Troisdorf) and Uwe Krechel: The men threatened about five years jail. Anton D. could talk to his wife traveled here from Holland to touch - they could not. Obviously gangs leader Fikret K. In a recent hearing at the police details of the new situation has made Acquaintance. Then Anton D. might be known for some time with the German dealers - and thus may work for some time with them. The process will continue.