Saturday, May 8, 2010

DGB head hunting the robbers Schlecker

Cologne - The working conditions and lack of security make the Schlecker markets a popular target for criminals. A serial offender experts now even at the drugstore chain positively.
He always has the same mesh. Saturday noon the robbers pulled out a knife in the Bonn Shipyard Street, threatened the Schlecker employees. Then the bag of cash. Prey: a few hundred dollars.
The man managed to escape with an unknown destination. His face covered with a cap and dark sunglasses. The immediate and extensive investigation initiated in the police went to the officials erfolglos.Die officials are sure: Here is the desired serial offenders has struck. Especially in the Rhine-Erft area had been repeatedly kicked the man in appearance.
According EXPRESS information has founded the police in Erft district a special commission to make the Schlecker robber finally arrested. And investigated each reported attack exactly Schlecker markets.
The description: about 1.85 meters tall, white jacket, black jogging pants. "The Bonn offender fits the profile," said an official from EXPRESS.
The Schlecker predators: in addition to attacks in the region is said to have added it already in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.
With detailed information, the police would not part with this officially on Sunday, it does appear that we are already on the trail of the robber. "We want to express ourselves no further, not to jeopardize the investigation," said an official of the Rhine-Erft police.
Attacks on Schlecker: You are piling up. Almost simultaneously to the attack on Bonn was robbed the store at the Aachener Strasse 514th It has apparently gotten around that is to get the money Schlecker with relatively little risk.
Reason: the security conditions. "Often, a worker needs to take care of the entire shop," knows the Cologne DGB CEO Wolfgang Uellenberg-van Dawen. In addition, an ECR field, right at the entrance. Conditions that actually attract predators.