Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Misleading warning for 23 cents

Dusseldorf - This can happen if left to work the machinery: The utility company now have a reminder sent to more than 23 cents a customer.
"I thought of a bad joke," says Klaus-Dieter Försterling. He had paid his last installment for the electricity bill wrong.
"Instead of 60.23 € I had typed only 60 € for online banking. My mistake, "said Försterling.
That then goes out but the 23-cent warning that is more expensive than the total demand, is on the technology in the public utilities.
"This is our fully automated, because no one looks more about it," said spokesman Michael Pützhofen. Especially with rate agreements, the reminders would be sent in any case. "We'll talk about it but how can we prevent such situations in future."
This madness is not an isolated case: Time and again such bills to the citizens. "When we are reminded, for example, with property tax consistently on principle," says Klaus Wischnitzki, head of the Düsseldorf city treasury.
Small amounts of fees or other items to be transferred instead to the next bill. This saves up another letter.
Reminders are sent when the tax requires at least 10 €. An economically sensible decision. For an order for payment costs, staff costs included, precisely those 10 €.
More authorities-madness: GEZ reminder for computing genius puts Adam Riese> tax money does not get out> 30-cent bill with a 55-cent stamp sent> Friedrich Schiller reminder of GEZ> gets

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Father and son steal offertory

Cologne -
Incredible! In St. Andrew's Church was held just the service - as a father (37) and son (12) in the anteroom to the poor box from the bracket broke.
The two were a civilian patrol noticed before on Eigelstein: They pushed a stroller with no children. The police pursued father and son. Once in the church, did the duo get into the poor box. They hoisted the more than one hundred pound safe finally in the stroller.
As they were leaving the church, attacked the officers. According to the police was in the poor box no great sum of money, he would be emptied regularly. The Worshippers and the pastor of the incident have even noticed anything.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Unters headscarf because of love

Velbert -
As a young girl wearing Khadija (29) short skirts, makeup and walked out happy.
Until 2003, the Pakistani engineer they Tayyab (34) to know - and converted to Islam, now bears even a headscarf. EXPRESS tells the Velberterin about her transformation from love.
"As a teenager I could never imagine to live like this," she says. For, since the Catholic-educated teacher who is actually Giovanna, the faith has changed, their life has changed a lot. Khadija: "I pray five times a day."
In addition, it cooks more Pakistani, drink alcohol and fasts during Ramadan. Her three children (1 1 / 2, 4, 6) it educates Muslim. "I'm all for my God," Khadija was always a believer, went regularly to church. Islam it was still strange. "Only with Tayyab I have a lot of discussion about that and more and more realized what that is. Today, Islam is my life. "
The transformation of Giovanna to Khadija came slowly. Most visible to the clothing. "The more I covered myself, the more comfortable I felt." The headscarf was only when she got married according to Islamic custom, Tayyab. "Before I lived with my parents, who should have none."
He continued: "But if you have the scarf on his head, you show that you learn the way of life of Islam want and will often raised. Since then I have made many new friends. Muslims are very open. "From her old friends Khadija was her best friend," My appearance it is sometimes even odd, but she accepts it. "
For the love of Islam: What the parents do not even enthusiastic ("You hope that my Christian faith I had not quite dock area"), Khadija is an important stop in life. "I often feel like a stranger among the Germans, although I am German. But for that I've met so many Tolles. For Christians, it ceases to Jesus, for you it is now even further. I hope that people judge others not only to the exterior. "
Who wants to know more about Khadija: On Tuesday 19 January, 22.15 clock is shining, the ZDF broadcast "37 ˚ out of love for you from", in which their (love) story is told.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

DGB head hunting the robbers Schlecker

Cologne - The working conditions and lack of security make the Schlecker markets a popular target for criminals. A serial offender experts now even at the drugstore chain positively.
He always has the same mesh. Saturday noon the robbers pulled out a knife in the Bonn Shipyard Street, threatened the Schlecker employees. Then the bag of cash. Prey: a few hundred dollars.
The man managed to escape with an unknown destination. His face covered with a cap and dark sunglasses. The immediate and extensive investigation initiated in the police went to the officials erfolglos.Die officials are sure: Here is the desired serial offenders has struck. Especially in the Rhine-Erft area had been repeatedly kicked the man in appearance.
According EXPRESS information has founded the police in Erft district a special commission to make the Schlecker robber finally arrested. And investigated each reported attack exactly Schlecker markets.
The description: about 1.85 meters tall, white jacket, black jogging pants. "The Bonn offender fits the profile," said an official from EXPRESS.
The Schlecker predators: in addition to attacks in the region is said to have added it already in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.
With detailed information, the police would not part with this officially on Sunday, it does appear that we are already on the trail of the robber. "We want to express ourselves no further, not to jeopardize the investigation," said an official of the Rhine-Erft police.
Attacks on Schlecker: You are piling up. Almost simultaneously to the attack on Bonn was robbed the store at the Aachener Strasse 514th It has apparently gotten around that is to get the money Schlecker with relatively little risk.
Reason: the security conditions. "Often, a worker needs to take care of the entire shop," knows the Cologne DGB CEO Wolfgang Uellenberg-van Dawen. In addition, an ECR field, right at the entrance. Conditions that actually attract predators.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Drugs gang imported 110 kilograms

Bonn - the drug gang of four: the men (25 to 46) are available since Tuesday in court because they smuggled 110 kilos of marijuana from the Netherlands. Strange: The Courier, the head of the gang allegedly recruited to the parking lot of a hardware store Hennef - because he recognized him as a Dutchman.
The black and yellow number plates from Holland helped Anton D. Thus a lucrative job - took him six months later, however, in German custody.
In July 2007 bonds boss Fikret K. (31) the Netherlands in the parking lot of a Hennefer construction market will be seen and have now identified as the Dutchman. Then he had just spoken to him and asked him if he wants to create pounds of marijuana across the border.
Anton D. wants to have committed, because he was just numb. The father of two from Tegelen has to provide a sick 15-year-old boy. After an accident in the Dominican Republic, he has lain in a coma for three months.
Thus, according to prosecutor Michael Hermes man ran the 22 drugs from Tours: On a park bench near Eindhoven Anton D. took the stuff in a bag at reception. Every time the mechanic brought five kilos to Germany. In the building-parking in Hennef D. handed the bag. The Courier cashed $ 1,000 for each trip - a total of 22,000 euros.
On Tuesday, the process beginning with the defenders Peter-René Gülpen (Troisdorf) and Uwe Krechel: The men threatened about five years jail. Anton D. could talk to his wife traveled here from Holland to touch - they could not. Obviously gangs leader Fikret K. In a recent hearing at the police details of the new situation has made Acquaintance. Then Anton D. might be known for some time with the German dealers - and thus may work for some time with them. The process will continue.