Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Get rid of it"

That's the point: "Order is half the battle - the other half is me but better!" He who lives by this motto and it is irritated already own stumbles, sooner or later about the classic "Take it away!" Rita Pohle. At nearly 200 pages there are ideas for ways out of the chaos and disorder. In the advice in principle is simple: throw away as much as possible, we need not think as much as we do!
So's: The book is really useful tips and also goes into detail. The content is not particularly surprising, but something about "decluttering" keeps you do not always clearly. So is "way with it!" a useful reference for all the times will again have more space and feel comfortable in your own four walls almost crushed. Morbid Messies it helps but not - also says Rita Pohle clear in the book. The only hint of the esoteric chapter on "smoking out of spaces had" skipped me - to something I do not think so right, that's me withdrawn. The rest makes good reading, easy and helps! And now comes the book away ...
"Get rid of it"
Heyne Verlag, € 7.95, 208 pages, ISBN: 978-3453650107
(By Florian Meyer)