Sunday, June 13, 2010

For piles Cologne bitch learns to play football

The Super Talent "semi-finalists have been announced. 30 candidates waved Dieter Bohlen (55), Sylvie van der Vaart (31) and Bruce Darnell (52) on the next round. Also present: the Cologne artist Yvo Antoni (30) and his bitch PrimaDonna.
A month ago, Yvo enthusiastic and Jack-Russel-Dame PrimaDonna the "Super Talent" audience for the first time with its unique human-dog-artistry. That it is sufficient for the semi-finals, artist Yvo there was already clear: "Frankly, I expected to get ahead," he says EXPRESS. "We have practiced a lot before the show and leave extra sew new costumes. I thought to myself: "If not the fluppt, then I do not." "
That has gefluppt it, the two super talents is now, however, before an unexpected problem: "We must not once again perform the same number. "Since you need to add to that," Dieter said. Because we wanted to get on absolutely, we have all our skills but already shown the first time. Except for a few small, simple tricks viewers have already seen all that PrimaDonna can. "
So PrimaDonna learn now, for piles to kick. "We have to rehearse new tricks quickly. Especially football, I practice with PrimaDonna. Push the ball, it works quite well. Only when navigating it hooks a little bit, "said Mr. Chen Ivo.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday starts a new Kerner-Show

Johannes B. Kerner is mysteriously in terms of his new show. So far, the 44-year-old has said all that he does not want.
On television, cook about even talk to it in his on Monday do not start the clock at 21.15 program "Kerner." Rather, a mixture of talc, service, current affairs and studio-planned actions, announced Kerner - "not so talklastig" as his left behind for the ZDF format.
Kerner was not yet concrete. Perhaps because he himself does not know where to develop the magazine? Before moving from Sat.1 ZDF twelve years ago "Johannes B. Kerner" was envisaged there as a comedy format - an idea that was discarded after a few broadcasts.
At that time the second stylized his Neueinkauf JBK in the self-promotion like former U.S. president JFK. Sat.1 is maintained with advertising so far declined significantly, to if possible it will not with the exaggerated expectations.
In fact, to be seen whether his new Sat.1 old workhorse with programming on Monday night proves a favor. In recent months, there were several docu-soaps, which flopped without exception.
In the premiere broadcast "Kerner is" on consumer issues: the construction chaos on the streets of Germany or the "system of fear", are placed with the employee in discount markets under pressure. A medium to contact a suicide, his mother in the studio waiting for answers. The only prominent guest is Comedian Mario Barth.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Get rid of it"

That's the point: "Order is half the battle - the other half is me but better!" He who lives by this motto and it is irritated already own stumbles, sooner or later about the classic "Take it away!" Rita Pohle. At nearly 200 pages there are ideas for ways out of the chaos and disorder. In the advice in principle is simple: throw away as much as possible, we need not think as much as we do!
So's: The book is really useful tips and also goes into detail. The content is not particularly surprising, but something about "decluttering" keeps you do not always clearly. So is "way with it!" a useful reference for all the times will again have more space and feel comfortable in your own four walls almost crushed. Morbid Messies it helps but not - also says Rita Pohle clear in the book. The only hint of the esoteric chapter on "smoking out of spaces had" skipped me - to something I do not think so right, that's me withdrawn. The rest makes good reading, easy and helps! And now comes the book away ...
"Get rid of it"
Heyne Verlag, € 7.95, 208 pages, ISBN: 978-3453650107
(By Florian Meyer)