Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Casino operators zockt from social services

Cologne - Klaus P. (52, real name) runs a casino on Lake Constance. In Cologne, he left at the same time prefer to taxpayers: He zockt 39.000 Euro from social assistance.
2007 were among black sheep among the social assistance and Hartz IV recipients identified 900,000 euro loss.
This has been established by the clearing houses ArGe and social services, the report is EXPRESS. "We need to spend the money and go here and check anonymous notes or those of the police to," said Social Welfare Deputy Hans Oster.
"The absolute majority of our customers are honest," says Oster. "The black sheep, but destroy the image of aid recipients."
As Uri G. (69): He came by the inspectors anonymous tip's tricks. G. got rent and living expenses of the city - and kept twelve years, 760 Euros rent, which he moved from Switzerland. Damage: 52.500 euros.
More examples: Another "Sozialräuber" swindled acquaintances at 85,000 euros and further conceded welfare. Damage: 4000 euros.
When the police raid the homes of asylum seekers were found for 3500 euros in cash - seizure. A woman with dual citizenship cashed welfare, although it has abroad: land and collects rent.
When ArGe A. Toni was a customer. He conceded since 2004 Hartz IV, although he owns homes and land in Italy. € 50,000 damage.
Rita L. Hartz IV conceded, but was assisted by her mother and her ex-lover, whom she blackmailed. $ 10,000 damage. After a traffic stop turned out that the checked cashed Ukrainian contractors, together with his wife and staff Hartz IV. Damage: 17.500 euros.
In all cases, reimburse the city or ArGe ads for fraud, set the payments and are trying - often unsuccessfully - get back the money: Casino-Klaus is ill, can not pay. But Uri G. is remorseful - and wants to cough up.
Also of interest
Trust is good, control is better