Monday, April 26, 2010

Sex-Woods: Bleibeprämie for wife

Los Angeles --
How can I recover an injured, angry woman? Tiger Woods (33) tried it with that from which he has the most: money!
Supposedly the FREMDGÄNGER yet-wife Elin Nordegren (29) an eight-digit "Bleibeprämie has offered" - at least 10 million U.S. dollars.
Whether the ex-model can be lured with money? As is now known, it has to forgive the golfers not only that he ventured on more than ten playmates short game. That he had cheated on her the night before the wedding and to go elsewhere, even just before delivery amused.
No, it is even more embarrassing. Now that is Michelle Brown volunteered to speak up to an indictment of the celebrities, the Precious Manhattan call girls "supplies". And Tiger Woods should have been one of its loyal customers, even paid $ 10,000 for a girl, not even $ 40,000 for a night with 6 (!) Playmates. Michelle Brown: "He ordered call girls, often two at a time. He liked it if they love two women. He had sex with both at once. "
The picture of clean man always gets dirtier tracks. And the billionaire is now trying desperately to erase. His fear: Who knows whether to deliver a small movies was filmed ... Tiger Woods certainly can prohibit judicial decision by the media to publish any nudity or sex videos of him.
Otherwise, it could indeed solve the advertisers nor the last contracts, which they received more than 10 million U.S. dollars per year. Many already have TV commercials with the fallen angels can stop.
A very special film is the 33-year-old does not have prevented. The production company Adam & Eve Pictures wants to filming his life. "Tiger's wood" (in German: "Tigers latte") does that mean handiwork. As a main actor could be said to have won Oscar-winning porn Tyler Knight.
Also of interest
Tiger Woods in the online game badly scorned
Sex scandal costs Woods powerful loot

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Casino operators zockt from social services

Cologne - Klaus P. (52, real name) runs a casino on Lake Constance. In Cologne, he left at the same time prefer to taxpayers: He zockt 39.000 Euro from social assistance.
2007 were among black sheep among the social assistance and Hartz IV recipients identified 900,000 euro loss.
This has been established by the clearing houses ArGe and social services, the report is EXPRESS. "We need to spend the money and go here and check anonymous notes or those of the police to," said Social Welfare Deputy Hans Oster.
"The absolute majority of our customers are honest," says Oster. "The black sheep, but destroy the image of aid recipients."
As Uri G. (69): He came by the inspectors anonymous tip's tricks. G. got rent and living expenses of the city - and kept twelve years, 760 Euros rent, which he moved from Switzerland. Damage: 52.500 euros.
More examples: Another "Sozialräuber" swindled acquaintances at 85,000 euros and further conceded welfare. Damage: 4000 euros.
When the police raid the homes of asylum seekers were found for 3500 euros in cash - seizure. A woman with dual citizenship cashed welfare, although it has abroad: land and collects rent.
When ArGe A. Toni was a customer. He conceded since 2004 Hartz IV, although he owns homes and land in Italy. € 50,000 damage.
Rita L. Hartz IV conceded, but was assisted by her mother and her ex-lover, whom she blackmailed. $ 10,000 damage. After a traffic stop turned out that the checked cashed Ukrainian contractors, together with his wife and staff Hartz IV. Damage: 17.500 euros.
In all cases, reimburse the city or ArGe ads for fraud, set the payments and are trying - often unsuccessfully - get back the money: Casino-Klaus is ill, can not pay. But Uri G. is remorseful - and wants to cough up.
Also of interest
Trust is good, control is better

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Again, a hedgehog in the fast-food case

Oberhausen - That one as the hedgehogs of the McDonald's ice cream sundae "McFlurry" better avoid, is no secret.
But beverage cups seem to represent a danger to the animals. Oberhausen policemen freed in the night from Sunday to Monday a hedgehog out of its predicament.
The officials were aware during their patrolling on the animal. It sat in the middle of the road and appeared to relish the bridge and Torstraße out of an overturned cup to drink. Only on closer inspection, the men realized the need. The hedgehog had stuck his head through the plastic lid and then came out no more.
To avoid being stung, they pulled on her gloves, freed the animal from the cup and put it into a nearby bush.
Already a year ago brought Hedgehog McDonald's in the news: The burger Casserole took his ice cream from the market after several hedgehogs had died in it. The animals are attracted by the sweet and sticky trapped radicals in the carelessly discarded cups, lids, and in the need to starve.
Even more about hedgehog hedgehog case: McDonald's ice cream from the market takes man uses hedgehog as WaffeLautstarker hedgehog sex

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Arsonist destroyed my one and only"

Bonn - It is hell. Ceilings, walls, Opatija is a pitch black. Tables, chairs charred. Even the sauce bottles on the appetizer buffet is melted. Shards of glass lie everywhere.
Arson destroyed on Friday, the popular restaurant on the street brothers - and brought Warden Anica Barlovic (58) to the edge of despair ...
At 6 passersby raised the alarm clock. Flames ate their way through the "Opatija". On the windows of the floors above it, the neighbors were standing, shouting for help.
Major operation! The firemen had the fire under control quickly, however, rescued six people on the turntable ladder and through the stairwell. Sigh of relief - for "Opatija" boss Anica Barlovic But the nightmare was going on in earnest.
Her eyes are red cried when she shows what has caused the fire. The once cozy restaurant is as black as hell, it smells of stale smoke. "You can steal what you want, but do not put everything on fire," she says softly. "I have lived only for" Opatija ", always toiled. The restaurant was my one and only ... "
Arson! Of these, the detective goes out. The alleged perpetrator: a burglar. Anica Barlovic points to a window in the gaping hole. "There was a brick reingeworfen from the construction site next door," she explains. So the fire devil came into the bar.
The stranger just raided the restaurant, then went into the basement. There, he entered the door, stole whiskey and cognac bottles. More is not lacking at first glance. The prey was too silly, he laid out of anger over the fire? The investigations are in full swing. The offender had also tried to break into the pizzeria next door.
In front of the burned-out "Opatija" ever stop again regulars. As Elsie L. (80). "How much misery you have to endure yet?" She asks, bewildered and takes Anica Barlovic in the arm.
The "Opatija" boss with their strength at the end. Besides working in the restaurant she maintains her husband Marko. The 77-year-old suffered brain hemorrhage eight. Nevertheless, she says, he wanted to see the burned-out restaurant.
A terrible sight - not the first that the pair (it opened the "Opatija" had to endure 1973). At the first site (Peace) was burning a bar obendrüber: Your Local ran full of firewater. The "Opatija" moved to the Friedrichstrasse, where it burned itself mid-May 2001 () technical defect. Now the bad luck went with them into the Brüdergasse ...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Premiere at the Lion

Bonn - The Bonn-SC has already arrived in the Football Regionalliga.
And on Saturday, including former sports park is rising in the fourth Northern League. With a new name. For in the "Stadium of Bonn" celebrates the BSC on Saturday by 14 clock Regionalliga his home against the amateur premiere of the 1st FC Cologne.
After the 2-2 on opening day at the Zweitvertretung from Bayer Leverkusen, Bonner SC intends to enter the first win of the season. The best way to great scenery. But BSC assistant coach Joachim Hopp is realistic: "FC brings so little to do with fans, because the professionals have a home game on Saturday against Wolfsburg." In 1000 people would be already happy.
Bonner SC to be abandon the long-term injured Dalibor Karnay and Stephan Bork, and to Patrick Kadiata. The buckled at the final training session before the Leverkusen game, but will next week begin with the running workout.
The first home game of the new season will be in the "new" stadium held under the eyes of Bonn Mayor Bärbel Dieckmann. "I look forward to," announced the outgoing head of the townhouse.
Medial accompanies the game from a stadium-TV. This pilot project is being implemented by the Dortmund-TV production "live sports". With three cameras, the stadium TV on a three by four meters wide screen is transmitted.
So it is done for a great festival of football in the "Stadium of Bonn. Now you just have a happy outcome ...